I think when I created the characters I was really trying to have fun with them, I never put it on perspective like that but it makes a lot of sense. So for Harry he was intended to be a secondary character, and Tran I wanted for him to be a badass Tiger just because. The idea of the Wonderland 15 years ago was to be able to write about everything and don’t have to hit no one directly, along the way that changed and the characters remained the same. It’s a good take on it hehe, thank u for reading man appreciate it lot!!!!
Are we supposed to notice that we’ve got a scarecrow, a combination woodsman/”lion” and a little girl strolling down a brick road?
I think when I created the characters I was really trying to have fun with them, I never put it on perspective like that but it makes a lot of sense. So for Harry he was intended to be a secondary character, and Tran I wanted for him to be a badass Tiger just because. The idea of the Wonderland 15 years ago was to be able to write about everything and don’t have to hit no one directly, along the way that changed and the characters remained the same. It’s a good take on it hehe, thank u for reading man appreciate it lot!!!!
“Amanita, I call your name.” is a lyric I still mishear.
These ones only make you grow or srink, lol.
“The ones your mother gives you/Don’t do anything at all…
Go ask Alice, when she’s ten feet tall
Watch for some Easter eggs in Issue #3!!